Werewolf Songs – Music Inspired by Swedish Folklore 2012
vk.cc/16GHXO (92)
Ликантро́пия (от др.-греч. λύκος — «волк» и ἄνθρωπος — «человек») — мифическая или волшебная болезнь, вызывающая метаморфозы в теле, в ходе которых больной превращается в волка; один из вариантов териантропии.
This album consists of songs by eleven artists (from Sweden, Finland , Belgium, England, and the United States) influenced by folk music, and treating the topic of werewolves. All songs have been composed exclusively for this soundtrack album, which accompanies a book on Swedish folk beliefs about lycanthropy. The book, Varunen i svensk folktradition ("The Werewolf in Swedish Folklore"), was written by pioneering female ethnologist Ella Odsedt (1892 - 1967) and first published in 1943. It utilizes both older material in the Swedish national archives of folklore and statements collected by Odstedt herself during many years of strenuous travels in remote and, at the time, undeveloped parts of Sweden. The artists on this album have been inspired by reading either Odstedt's book or its lengthy summary in German. In a couple of cases where the musicians did not read Swedish or German, they have simply allowed the concept to inspire them on a more general level.
![Werewolf Songs – Music Inspired by Swedish Folklore [2012]](https://sun9-4.userapi.com/impf/By6urXdKsk21_YPXNeRrcs_YfoImG-PmPB-kPg/-r_0uTaj5tQ.jpg?size=1102x1000&quality=96&sign=2d34499528689cae576fe3dbb724c831&c_uniq_tag=cfu7qEOERw2zTrHecsgHdZa6RDR7JMpgALfAl_JIEgs&type=album)